Department of Research
The Indian Social Institute is primarily engaged in research, capacity building, action and advocacy in socio-economic development. The institute advocates the cause of the poor, marginalized, and exploited and the excluded at all levels, with a clear emphasis on the promotion and protection of human rights. The institute believes that through its department of research, it can contribute to the pool of knowledge in social sciences with a clear focus on action for social transformation.
Towards this goal, the institute works at three integrated levels: (1) acquire knowledge - well-grounded in a concrete data base, as an outcome of the research; (2) disseminate knowledge through various publications ; and (3) mobilize people for social change through training and advocacy efforts. In order to respond constructively to this challenging task, the institute streamlined the Department of Research (DR) with three dedicated departments - Department of Dalit Studies (DDS), Department of Tribal Studies (DTS) and Department of Women’s Studies (DWS).