Indian Social Institute


Current Research Projects

Arramat Research- Biodiversity Conservation: Health and Wellbeing of the Indigenous Peoples.

This study is a place-based research, a joint venture for global research that includes 26 countries. The Faculty of the University of Alberta, Canada, are the lead researchers to coordinate the study. The study aims at interdisciplinary approach where the indigenous scholars from different universities of India are collaborating in planning and implementation of the study in India. The Indian team of researchers aim to study biodiversity conservation on two pathways: (1) Biodiversity Conservation: Food Sustainability, Health and Wellbeing; and (2) Biodiversity Conservation and its Interface with Language, Culture and Wellbeing. The place-based research study is stretched from 2021 to 2027 into three phases, namely Capacity Building, Indigenous-Led Place-Based Research and Policy Transformation.

Archival Research

This is an ongoing part of the project undertaken at the Centre for Culture and Development, Vadodara to study the contribution of the Anthropological Society of Bombay and its Journal commenced in 1886 which lasted till 1936. It contains thick ethnography written by anthropologists, administrators, both Indian and non-Indian. It provides a view of anthropology that was different from the one provided by the colonial government institutions, such as the Ethnographic Survey of India (later renamed as Anthropological Survey of India) and the Census of India. 

 It has studies also on countries other than India, and on tribals, non-tribals and religions. The aim is to bring out a series of books comprising collections of essays on various themes taken from this Journal. By re-issuing them we hope to help craft a more comprehensive view of Indian anthropology at its formative period and thereby its society and culture.