Indian Social Institute

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The Institute strives to assist social activists in the praxis of action-reflection-action with people at the grassroots level, and support groups like intellectuals, journalists and policy-makers.  The Institute has been making attempts to align itself as a supportive resource centre with individuals, organizations and people’s movements especially of dalits, tribals, women, the most backward castes and minorities.


Advocacy of descriptive policy research is carried out to learn about certain social problems and human rights issues. These studies seek to measure social problems with a view to heightening community awareness of them and providing proposals and other action to ameliorate the problem in question. 


The institute’s research and advocacy agenda is bringing together and benefiting from the research and experience of technical experts, researchers, academics, policymakers, government officials and social activists from different disciplines. Following the rights based approach to development, the Institute identifies specific areas and the possible measures for the protection and promotion of human rights especially of the marginalized.