Indian Social Institute

Legal Booklets


(Please quote the Serial Number for placing order of Legal Series)

01The Law on the Abolition of UntouchabilityRs. 60
02On Your Rights if ArrestedRs. 60
03The Rights of Wife, Children and Parents for Maintenance.Rs. 22
04Do You Know Your Fundamental Rights?Rs. 110
05The National Security Act, 1980: Your Rights if Arrested.Rs. 20
06The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929Rs. 20
07On Your Rights to Compensation in Motor Vehicle Accidents.Rs. 55
08Worker’s Rights.Rs. 22
09National Commission for WomenRs. 22
10Free Legal Services to the Poor.Rs. 40
11The Law on Rape.Rs. 55
12Public Interest Litigation.Rs. 40
13When do you have the Right of Private Defence?Rs.17
14The Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923Rs. 45
15Social Justice Cell.Rs. 25
16What You Should Know About AdvocatesRs. 22
17Women and the Constitution.Rs. 55
18Indian Judicial System.Rs. 45
19Criminal Procedure.Rs. 45
20Your Right to CompensationRs. 20
21Medical Negligence.Rs. 45
22Indian Legal System: An Overview.Rs. 30
23Civil Court Procedure in India.Rs. 55
24The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005Rs. 30
25Ensuring a Safe Environment.Rs. 40
26When can You Punish an Employee?Rs. 65
27Law Relating to Dowry Offences.Rs. 33
28Law Related to Human TraffickingRs. 35
29Rights of the Consumers.Rs. 40
30Working Women and Maternity BenefitsNA
31Law on Foreign Contribution.Rs. 60
32Law on the Registration of Societies.Rs. 22
33The Law on Atrocities against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes: Prevention and Punishment.Rs. 40
34The Rights and Duties of Railway Passengers.Rs. 77
35What You Should Know About The Police.Rs. 60
36Law Against Practice of Female Foeticide and Infanticide.Rs. 35
37The Law for the Prohibition of Employment of Manual Scavengers and for their Rehabilitation.Rs. 22
38The Law to Protect Human Rights in India.Rs. 40
39What is FIR?Rs. 100
40Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994Rs. 10
41The Rights of Workers Employed in PlantationsNA
42The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act,1986Rs. 22
43The Railways Claim Tribunal Acts, 1987 and its RulesRs. 20
44The Law for the Protection & Promotion of BreastFeeding and Ensuring proper use of Infant Foods.Rs. 15
45Measures of Eradication of Child Labour: Fundamental Right to Primary Education (Landmark Judgement of the Sup. CourtRs. 30
46Right to Compensation in Torture and Custodial Death: A Landmark Judgement of the Supreme CourtRs. 25
47The Measures to Prevent Sexual Harassment of Women in Work PlacesNA
48AffidavitsRs. 22
49Powers of AttorneyRs. 65
50The Rights of PrisonersRs. 65
51Crime and PunishmentRs. 85
52What Criminal Actions Are Exempted from Punishments?Rs. 25
53Criminal Offences Affecting the Human Person (Body)Rs. 125
54Offences Relating to MarriageRs. 70
55Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954Rs. 20
56National Commission and State Commission for MinoritiesRs. 33
57The Tranfer of Property Act, 1882Rs. 100
58When Can You be Punished for Contempt of Court?Rs. 20
59The National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled TribesNA
60Right to Speedy TrialRs. 33
61The Land Acquisition Act, 1894Rs. 100
62Right to Compensation for Violation of Fundamental RightsRs. 75
63Rights of PatientsRs. 25
64The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015Rs. 100
65Part IV of the Constitution of India Directive Principles of State PolicyNA
66The Landmark Judgement of the Supreme Court on Educational Rights of MinoritiesRs. 70
67Electoral Offences and the LawRs. 22
68How Should Police Investigate CrimesRs. 100
69When and How can a Police Officer Search Your House or PersonRs. 25
70Use of Medical Evidence and Scientifc Techniques in Criminal CasesRs. 33
71The Indian Trust ActRs. 40
72The Law Related to Maintenance of Public Order, Harmony and Peace in SocietyRs. 20
73Adoption of Children in IndiaRs. 30
74Right to Information Act, 2005Rs. 45
75National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions Act, 2004Rs. 15
76The Law to Constitute Commissions and Children’s Courts for Protection of Child RightsNA
77Educational Rights of MinoritiesRs. 45
78The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009Rs. 30
79The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007Rs. 60
80The Law on Prevention of CorruptionRs. 22
81Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013Rs. 25
82The Sexual Harassment of Women at Work PlaceRs. 33
83National Commission for Scheduled CasteRs. 35
84The National Food Security Act, 2013Rs. 40
85National Commission for Scheduled TribesRs. 70
86The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (POCSO Act)Rs. 55
87The Forest Rights Act, 2006Rs. 33
88Disater Management Act 2005Rs. 60
89The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996Rs. 25
90The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017Rs. 55
91Specific Relief (Amendment) Act, 2018Rs. 50
92Goods and Services Tax (GST)Rs. 77
93The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948Rs. 100
94Cyber Law Act, 2000Rs. 55
95Civil InjuriesRs. 95
96The Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesRs. 90
97Medical Termination of PregnancyRs. 30
98The Patent Act, 1970Rs. 170
99Rules to Remember Under Motor Vehicle Act, 1988Rs. 100
100Thr Gepgraphical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999Rs. 130
101Lokpal and Lokayukta Act 2013Rs. 45
102Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002Rs. 60
103The Model Tenancy Act, 2021Rs. 75
104The Trademark Act, 1999Rs. 150
105All You Need to Know about the Election ( Representation Act)Rs. 70


01The Factories Act 1948.Rs. 25
02The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.Rs. 22
03The Administrative Tribunals for Civil ServicesRs. 15
04Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 and Rules.Rs. 22
05The Minimum Wages Act, 1948.Rs. 50
06Delhi Shops and Establishment Act and Rules 1954Rs. 17
07The Trade Union Act 1926.Rs. 15
08Rights of Beedi and Cigar WorkersRs. 10
09Law Relating to Child LabourRs. 22
10Payment of Bonus Act 1965 and RulesRs. 15
11Sample Formats Relating to EmploymentRs. 50
12Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005Rs. 20
13The Employees Provident FundRs. 33


01Hindu Marriage and DivorceRs. 40
02Family CourtRs. 25
03Muslim Marriage and DivorceRs. 70
04Special Marriage ActRs. 30
06Christian Personal Law related to Divorce and MartimonyNA
08Hindu Succession LawRs. 33
09Law of WillsRs. 22

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