Executive Director’s Message

Dear Friends, Partners and Collaborators,
The Indian Social Institute was established in 1951 with a view to contribute towards the development of a just social and economic order in newly independent India in response to a call by Fr. Jean-Baptiste Janssens SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, for a “serious study of the Indian social situation in all its aspects”. Fr. Jerome D’Souza SJ, who was a member of the Constituent Assembly and India’s delegate to the United Nations, founded this Institute that has participated in the process of nation-building through research, training and publication. The original purpose of the Institute had been three-fold: to promote human values and just social norms; to provide theoretical and practical training to social workers; and to serve as a centre of information to voluntary agencies in the social development sector. Referring to the service provided by the Institute, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, appreciated the fact “that the Institute was engaged in the difficult task of training social workers without any distinction of caste or creed.” Similarly, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, expressed his happiness at the “praiseworthy efforts of the Social Institute … in helping the Community Development Programmes”.
Over six decades later, the Institute continues to serve the nation, especially dalits, adivasis, women, minorities, unorganized labour and other vulnerable and marginalized communities, through its research, training and publication activities. On the one hand, it seeks to influence national policy through its socially relevant research, while on the other hand it tries to empower grassroot social organizations with its capacity building training programmes. In addition, the publication of journals, magazines, books and booklets provide a framework for analysis of the rapidly changing social reality while steadfastly upholding the constitutional values of justice, liberty, equality, fraternity. Finally, the Institute welcomes partnerships with academicians, social activists, people’s movements, human rights groups, civil society organizations and ecological movements throughout India and the world championing the cause of a just, humane, inclusive, secular and democratic society.
Dr. Sebasti L.Raj