Indian Social Institute


Research Projects Completed in 2021

1. ‘Corona Crisis: Perceptions and Practices’, by Dr. Paul D’Souza, 2021. Funded by ISI, New Delhi.

An online study on ‘Corona Crisis: Perceptions and Practices’ was undertaken to document how humanitarian organisations perceived, understood and responded to the crisis emerging from the coronavirus pandemic. The survey was conducted from May 3 to May 17, 2020, during the third phase of the lockdown. The online survey followed the “restricted open access method” of collecting responses from the wider universe of the study. As many as 140 individual respondents representing 104 organisations in different capacities, covering nearly 20 states across India, from Kashmir to Kerala and from Assam to Gujarat, and a few having a pan-Indian presence participated in the survey. A larger number represented a few states, whereas a few others were represented by a single respondent providing the organisational perspective of their operational areas.