Indian Social Institute


Completed Research

Completed Research TitlesYear
A Historical Study of Tribal Chiefdoms of Jharkhand: Munda of Bundu, Kherwar of Ramgarh, Santal of Hazaribagh, Bhumij of Jungle Mahal, Nagwansi of Ranchi and Others. 2022 - 2023
Study of Customary Laws, Social and Religious Practices of Five Major Scheduled Tribes of Jharkhand: A Comparative Analysis2022 - 2023
Value Chain Analysis of Four Minor Forest Products (Tamarind, Sal Seed, Chironji, and Lac)2022 - 2023
The Nature and Extent of Child Labour in the Tea Gardens of Nagaon, district of Assam2022 - 2023
Impact of COVID-19 in Rural India: A cross sectional study from 12 states2022 - 2023
Education, Digital Divide and Covid–19 in India2022 - 2023
Disparity in Access to Education in Aspirational Districts in Odisha2022 - 2023
A Historical Study of Tribal Chiefdoms of Jharkhand: Kherwar of Ramgarh, Munda of Bundu, Bhumij of Jungle Mahal, Nagwansi of Ranchi , Santhal of Hazaribagh & Others2021 - 2022
Corona Crisis: Perceptions and Practices2020 - 2021
Policy Brief: Exclusion in Education 2020 - 2021
Women at Work in Handicraft (Chikancraft) Establishments in Uttar Pradesh 2020 - 2021
Discrimination and Exclusion in Education: A Study of the Children of Communities Engaged in Unclean Occupations” of the states of Bihar and Jharkhand2019 - 2020

Articles Published

Name Article
Archana Sinha“New Empirical Evidence for Maternal Health Care: Case of Janani Suraksha Yojana in Uttarakhand, India” in Journal of Health Systems, Vol.I, Issue 1, July – December 2015 (Online) Received on June 14, 2016.
Archana Sinha“Work and Gender Linked Challenges for Rural Youth”, Labour & Development, Special issue on Gender, Work and Development, Vol.23, No 2, pp. 145-160, December, 2016.
Archana Sinha“Skill Development and Rural Youth Employment: Case of MGNREGS in Chhattisgarh” in Social Action, Vol.67, No.1, pp. 69-82, January-March, 2017.
Archana Sinha“Women, Panchayati Raj and MGNREGA: Case of Uttar Pradesh” in Women’s Link, Vol.21, No.4. pp. 3-9, October-December, 2016.
Lakshmi Priya“Feminist Movement in Syria”, Journal of West Asian Studies, Vol.31, Issue 1, Department of West Asian Studies, Aligarh Muslim University.
Lakshmi Priya“Legitimacy of Baath in Syria and Gramscian idea of Cultural Hegemony”, Social Action, Vol.67, No.1, pp. 51-68, January-March 2017.
Lakshmi Priya“Political Participation of Women in Syria”, Women’s Link, Vol. 23, No.1, pp. 12-16, January-March 2017.
Paul D’Souza“Clean India, Unclean Indians – Beyond the Bhim Yatra”, Economic & Political Weekly, June 25, 2016, Vol.lI, p. 22.
Paul D’Souza“Urbanization and the Marginal Caste: Continued Exclusion or Progressive Inclusion?”, IASSI Quarterly: Contributions to Indian Social Science, Vol. 35, Nos 3 & 4 July-December 2016, Pp. 255-276.
Paul D’Souza“Life-as-Lived Today: Perpetual (Undesired) Liminality of the Half-widows of Kashmir”, Culture Unbound, Vol.8, 2016: 26–42. Published by Linköping University. Kindly see the link for details:
Paul D’Souza “In Full Public View – We as a nation are becoming ‘Bystanders’”, Indian Currents, 18- 4 April 2016, pp. 23-15.
Paul D’Souza“Nationalism without Narrow Domestic Walls”, Indian Currents, 02-08 May 2016, pp. 16-18
Paul D’Souza“The Danger of a Single Story”, Indian Currents, 15-21 August 2016, pp. 37-41.
Ramya Ranjan Patel“Food Security and Livelihood among the Poorest of the Poor, the Tribals in Odisha”, The Journal of Rural Development, Vol.35, No.2, April-June 2016, pp. 239-254.
Ramya Ranjan Patel“Skill, Education and Employment in India: Reaping Demographic Dividend”, Social Action, Vol.66, No.4, pp. 340-359, October-December 2016.
Ratnesh Kumar“Democracy and its ongoing Journey” in Maharashtra Ahead, Vol.5, Issue 4, April 2016, pp. 18-19.
Ratnesh Kumar“Real Society in Reels: Depiction of nation’s Naked Reality in Manjule’s Sairat” in Indian Currents, Vol. 26, 2016, pp. 42-43.
Ratnesh Kumar“The Cradle of Transformation: A Tribute to Dr BR Ambedkar”, Maharashtra Ahead, Vol.5, Issue 12, December 2016, pp. 8-9.
Ratnesh Kumar“Fight against Patriarchy”, Maharashtra Ahead, Vol. 6, Issue 04, April 2017, pp. 8-9.
Ratnesh Kumar“Critical Evaluation of Indian Historians’ Writings on Buddhism” in JIBS, Vol.7, No 12016, pp. 1-14.
Renuka Ramanujam“Educational disadvantages of children from households engaged in historically ‘unclean occupation’”, Social Action, Vol.66, pp. 261-276 , July-September 2016.
Rudolf C. Heredia“Democracy and Violence in India”, 2016, Economic and Political Weekly, 23 April, Vol. 51, No. 17, pp. 33-34, Book Review Samir Kumar Das, ed., 2015, India: Democracy and Violence, OUP, Delhi. pp. i-viii, 258, Rs. 995.
Rudolf C. Heredia“The Adivasi Other: Ethnicity and Minority Status”, 2016, in First Citizens: Studies on Adivasis, Tribals, and Indegeneous Peoples in India, ed., Meena Radhakrisha, N Delhi, pp. 126-150.
Rudolf C. Heredia“Rehabilitating Riot Victims Welfare Relief or Citizen Rights?”, 2016, Economic and Political Weekly, 11 June, Vol.51, No.24, pp. 26-28, Book Review, Communal Violence,
Rudolf C. Heredia“Real Society in Reels: Depiction of nation’s Naked Reality in Manjule’s Sairat” in Indian Currents, Vol. 26, 2016, pp. 42-43.
Rudolf C. HerediaForced Migration and the State: Gujarat since 2002 by Sanjeevini Badigar Lokhande; New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2015; pp. xii + 215.
Rudolf C. HerediaInterrogating the Academy: Renegotiating the Terms of Discourse”, Economic and Political Weekly, 2016, Vol.51, No.34, 27 August 20, pp. 18 – 21.
Rudolf C. HerediaGlobalization and Nationalism religion”, Indian Currents, 2016, 17 October, pp. 33-35.
Rudolf C. Heredia“Spiritual Exercises and Need for a New Hermeneutic”, 2016, Ignis, Dec, Vol.47, No. 4, pp. 45-66.
Rudolf C. Heredia“Interrogating the Role of State and Understanding Social Mobility among Manual Scavengers in India”, Social Action, Vol.66, Pp.277-290, July-September 2016.
Teena Anil“Secularism and Nation building in a Multi-Religious Society”, in Secularism in India: Concept and Practice, eds, Uday Metha and Ram Punyiani, 2017, pp. 145-167, Kalpaz Publ., Delhi. (Published earlier, see above)