About Us

The Indian Social Institute was founded, more than a centre of research, as an ideology to contribute to the task of social transformation. At the time offounding of the institute, the then General of the Society of Jesus stated “the institute should be founded for the serious study of the Indian social situation in all its aspects”. Adhering to this mandate the institute has been ever in search of new ways of engaging in social transformation according to the signs of the times.
The institute began its journey as ‘Indian Institute of Social Order’ in January 1951 in Pune in response to the challenges of nation-building and emerging new social order in the post-independent era. In 1958, the institute was registered in Pune as Indian Social Institute. Realising the importance of being present in the national political capital, in 1961the institute was shifted to New Delhi and a new entity was registered under Xavier Institute of Social Order. However, later in 1969 the institute was registered as ‘Indian Social Institute’.
In the first decade, till 1960s, the focus was on spreading social doctrine of the Church; in the following decade the institute expanded its scope to accompany NGOs and focused on training, thus giving birth to Indian Social Institute, Bangalore. The third decade was marked with sensitivity to women issues and establishment of Mobile Orientation Team (MOT). In the 80s, the fourth decade, it made a definitive choice to align with people’s movements and accompany them. As the government opened itself in 1989 to Thatcher-Reagan neo-liberal philosophy the institute responded to the challenges of liberalization, privatization and globalisation (LPG). In the same decade the institute adopted rights-based perspective as a cross-cutting subject permeating all the endeavours of the institute which continues till today. In the new millennium, expanding civil society space and advocacy works have assumed greater significance aimed at policy changes. The institute enjoys NGO special consultation status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
All through these years the institute has enjoyed great credibility among the academicians, activists, students, and marginalized communities through varied interventions like, action-based research, publications, capacity building programmes, and policy interventions through advocacy works. It has also provided space for like-minded persons and organisations to come together, reflect and respond with appropriate strategies. During this long journey many persons have contributed to the nurturing of its growth and also have taken shelter under the shades of its wings. The management and staff of the institute earnestly hope that the institute will grow further in the years to come to spread its fragrance far and wide.